RATE: 35¢ per word per issue with a $7 minimum. $1 for each tear sheet. Additional $2 per month billing charge for ads that are not paid by billing date. Deadline for classified advertising is the 1st of the month preceding date of publication. Not responsible for errors when ads are called into our office. To place a classified, email (mules@socket.net), call the office (573/646-3934) or mail to PO Box 460, Bland MO 65014
SORREL APPALOOSA MULE FOR SALE: Sugar Pea is 10 years old, great trail mule, sound, smooth ride. 14.3 hands. Only selling because shortly after buying her, I was given a young mule sired by the jack I had due to my friends moving. She has great feet, easy keeper, well trained, smooth trot and lope. Looking for home with mule experience. $2,500 obo. Barnesville, MN. Can email or text pictures: ilovemules@icloud.com or (701)361-9726
2-YEAR-OLD BLACK WITH 4 WHITE STOCKINGS, quarter-type molly. Now 14 hands. Really nice, has had ground work, good disposition. Potential show mule. $2,400 Oklahoma (405)258-3037
6-YEAR-OLD, BLACK JOHH, 17 HANDS (not draft type). 2 months professional training. Started late, due to my issues, not his. He is willing, smart, balanced, and wanting to learn. For more info call (Canada) (519)384-2339 or email animalfriendly5030@gmail.com
Pair of 15 hand, black and sorrel, john mules, 4 and 6 years old. Broke to ride and drive, single and double. Had not been used for a year until 79 year old man rode in parade. Raised here. $3,000; Mule factory for sale: Light sorrel jack and mares that produce mules, advertised in June 2015 (page 24) Mules and More. Can deliver. Viroqua, Wisconsin 608/632-1586
YOUNG JACKS FOR SALE- kept with pony mares. 18 month old jack by current national champion 59" Minuteman by Banjo by Texas Scooter. Futurity champion IDMS. Very cute head and neck, smooth build. $1,500. Coming 3 year old tri-colored spotted 57" jack. 50% white. $5,000. Pics available. Doc Colbert. (573)259-8044
HORSES & MULE BREAKING AND TRAINING. $20/day training board. South central PA, 17219. Call/text for more info (717)962-6376
MULE PACKING CLINICS, learn the art of backcountry riding and packing. Gain confidence and safety. Wilderness pack trips. Archaeology expeditions. (575)519-8569
TIN TOP RANCH Bed and Breakfast, oats and stalls to all riding. Located in western Scott County, Arkansas. Totally surrounded by the picturesque Ouachita National Forest. www.tintopranch.com, walls_sa@yahoo.com or 800/436-8199 2/15
FOR SALE: Colorado Saddlery Buckaroo Mule Saddle. Full basket stamping, extra long tie strings, extra dee for scabbards and gear, and crupper and britchen dees that fasten into tree. Tree: Wade with mule bars, rawhide covered. Seat: 16", Cantle: 5" rawhide bound. Fork: 9" with rope strap. Horn: #4 Dallypost, rawhide bound (3" high, 2" cap). Rigging: 3-way in skirt rigging. Skirts: Fleece lined. Stirrup Leathers: 3" with Blevin buckles. Stirrups: 2" rawhide covered Visalias. Weight: 45 pounds. Excellent conidition. $2,500. Missouri (816)505-9740
2 EA COMPLETE STEVE EDWARDS Trail Lite Saddles, 15 1/2". Double neoprene cinches, beta britchen, beta breast collar, neoprene saddle pads. Used less than ten rides. Paid $3,000. Both for $1,400, plus shipping. Gary, Bridgeport, CA (760)650-6652
FOR SALE: NEW ERICKSEN SADDLES One 16" and one 15-1/2". Saddle, matching breast collar and britchen; also 5 Star Virgin Wool Pad. $1,800 per set. That's a $1,000 savings! (920)676-7642
FOR SALE: STEVE EDWARDS BETA BRITCHEN, never used. $100 plus shipping. Michigan (810)712-3535
S. A. WALLS handmade Stirrups, Spurs and Bits. walls_sa@yahoo.com, www.sawalls.net or 800/436-8199 2/15
Wagner’s Saddle and Tack. “Saddles that fit the horse, mule and rider.” Handmade Saddles. Fred Wagner, Westcliffe, CO 719/783-2715 www.wagnerssaddleandtack.com tfn
BOOKS! Awesome gifts, 3 animal memoirs: Mules, Mules Mules and More Mules; Horse; and Dogs, too. www.rosemiller.net (928)499-4485 rosemiller@mtecom.net
SMALL FARM TODAY® is The 21-year-old how-to magazine of traditional and alternative crops, livestock, and direct marketing, teaching, diversification, and sustainability to make money for your farm or small acreage. To Subscribe send $23.95 to Small Farm Today, 3903 W Ridge Trail Rd, Clark, MO 65243 or call 800/633-2535 (MC/Visa) tfn
THE NATURAL SUPERIORITY OF MULES book. To order, send $39.45 to Mules and More, PO BOX 460, Bland MO 65014, call 573-646-3934, or order online at www.mulesandmore.com/books.htm tfn
My Life With Harry -- The Mule by Lonny Thiele. How a young girl and a mule helped save the family farm in the 1930s in Southeast Missouri. Based on a true story. Art by Bonnie Shields. $20 to Thiele, POB 884, Poplar Bluff, MO 63902. Phone (573)300-3085
THE AMERICAN BEAGLER MAGAZINE – The Magazine Ahead of the Pack: Published monthly for Beagle owners and gundog enthusiasts as well as upcoming trials and results for competition hunters. The American Beagler is $24.00 for one year, $44.00 for two years, and $66.00 for three years. You may order the magazine on our website: www.theamericanbeagler.com with paypal, call 573-859-6866 with a debit or credit card, or mail your payment to: The American Beagler, PO Box 957, Belle, MO 65013. Find us on Facebook. WE WANT YOU IN THE PACK!
Enjoy VIDEO MIKE’S mule, donkey, horse training, Bishop Mule Days and more. VHS/DVD. See listing at www.video-mike.com,(707)226-9193
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